Constantine Jones
in which we all learn how to make our
own bodies, just fling ourselves together
outta whatever kind a materials we
need, to where you’d be walking or
maybe hovering through the alleys a
cluster a brass coathooks & PVC &
permafrost & you’d brush circuits with a
handsome something passing by made
up outta fresh cabbage leaves &
Christmas lights & the most rusteaten
bicycle chains you ever did see & maybe
later on at the bar you’d catch auras
with a pretty splash a green, CD
booklets from every single one a Björk’ s
albums swirling around their lampshade
& the two a you might could get a room
somewhere or maybe even might could
become a room somewhere together &
fit yerselves up into some corner a the
town square looking up at the clouds
pulling em down having the whole sky
over every Tuesday night for dinner
Cea (Constantine Jones) is an interdisciplinary thingmaker & poet. They are a member of the Artist+ Registry at Visual AIDS, where they also serve on the Archives Committee, as well as a member of the collective, What Would An HIV Doula Do?. They are the author of the hybrid text IN STILL ROOMS (The Operating System, 2020) & the collaborative chapbook with artist Vicente Sampaio, BALEEN: A Poem In Twelve Days (Ursus Americanus, 2021). Their work has been performed or exhibited at various venues across NYC & Tennessee.
The Farmer’s Market | Sean Cunningham
Winged, Two-Headed | Danilo John Thomas
Mood Chart | Emily McKay
Move On Over Or We’ll Move On Over You | Luke Muyskens
Caught | Scott Nadelson
Women’s Intuition | Liz Breazeale
Pearls | Nate Lippens
New Pedagogy for Sleeplessness | Helen Hofling
2 Poems | Jill McDonough
2 Poems | Candice Wuehle
A Small Opening | Caroline Crew
What We Know About Babies | Christopher Brunt
Wink | Dalton Day
Taman Ayun Temple, Bali | Khaleel Gheba
FOXFIRE | Sarah Bates
Anima Helena | Tessa Bryant
So Long | Heather Christle
In her (son’s) new house, Aunt Lina says | Philipe Abi Youness
On the Whole | Ashley Roach-Freiman
ABSTRACT | Constantine Jones
2 Poems | Ina Cariño
Lake Under the Sea | Celeste Schantz
Josepha | Lucie Bonvalet
Mastectomy: Instructions Before Surgery | Shannon Cram
Succession | Erin Ruble
What I Will Say About Rebecca | Carla Panciera
Co-upt Junkmail Collages | Matthew Klane
Cubist Self-Portrait As Very | Dennison Ty Schultz
Pro Wrestling Erasures | Dan Mancilla
Selfies | Natalie Byers
Faroe Islands: Elemental | Philip Arnold
Open for Breathing | Marissa Anne Ayala