Fugue is housed at the University of Idaho’s MFA program in creative writing. MFA candidates have the opportunity to serve as editors, and graduate and undergraduate UI students from any academic discipline can serve as readers.
‘24-’25 masthead:
Editor-in-Chief | Maggie Nipps is a third-year MFA candidate in poetry. Her work appears or is forthcoming in Southeast Review, Salt Hill, Berkeley Poetry Review, Peach Mag, mercury firs, and elsewhere. She is the co-founder/co-editor of Afternoon Visitor, a journal of poetry and hybrid text.
Managing Editor | Reid Davis is a second-year MFA candidate in poetry. She is a multi-genre writer and editor from South Carolina who writes on themes of family, the body, memory, and femininity. Her work has appeared in Phoenix, LandEscapes, and The Gateway Review. She lives in Moscow with her husband and their fur-baby, BMO.
Marketing Editor | Jasmine Jones is a first-year MFA candidate in fiction. Before moving to Idaho, she worked in local journalism and led community poetry workshops in southern Missouri where she's from. She writes about grief, girlhood, and rural communities.
Web Editor | Kyle Singleton is a first-year MFA candidate in poetry. He is a Florida-born poet who has spent the last fourteen years living in Utah and Idaho. He often writes about the intersection of place, identity, and spirituality. Outside of writing, he enjoys fly-fishing and binge-watching The X-Files.
Nonfiction Editor | Emily Holmes is a third-year MFA candidate in nonfiction. She is an essayist, poet, and rangeland ecologist from Idaho. Her recent work can be found in Arkana and About Place Journal.
Associate Nonfiction Editor | Annie Sheneman is a first-year MFA candidate in nonfiction at the University of Idaho in her hometown of Moscow. She attended the College of Wooster, where she studied English and Theatre. Since then, she has worked as an audio engineer, cook, grant writer, and 1913-era school teacher. She writes about whatever interests her at any given moment.
Poetry Editor | Raquel Gordon is a second-year MFA candidate in poetry. She is a writer, dancer, and singer from Seattle where she earned her BA in creative writing and dance from the University of Washington. She loves performance, humor, narrative, surrealism, and interdisciplinary work.
Associate Poetry Editor | Karissa Carmona is a second-year MFA candidate in poetry. She is the winner of the 2022 Patricia Goedicke Prize in Poetry and her poems are featured in journals including Cutbank, High Desert Journal, and NY Quarterly. An avid consumer of trash and spectacle, Karissa unwinds from her writing life with early 2000s reality TV and reading about the impending Yellowstone Crystal Supervolcano eruption (any day now).
Fiction Editor | Trixie Zwolfer is a third-year MFA candidate in fiction. She received her BA from Montana State University, where she studied writing and literature. Currently, she is writing about strange forests, bodily transformation, and owls. In her free time, she can be found drinking copious amounts of tea.
Associate Fiction Editor | Annie Burky is a second-year MFA candidate in fiction. She earned her MA in creative writing and journalism from New York University. She previously held the position of managing editor at Ms. Mayhem magazine and HoneySuckle magazine. Her work has been published in Gallatin Review, Confluence, Fierce Healthcare, and the Queens Daily Eagle, among others.
Visual Art & Hybrid Forms Editor | Gianna Starble is a third-year MFA candidate in fiction. Their work is forthcoming in Foglifter. They are a Writing in the Wild Fellow and were an artist-in-residence at The Sable Project. Outside of writing, Gianna helps organize the Pop-Up Prose reading series and performs as a drag king in Moscow, Idaho.
Reviews and Interviews Editor | Spencer Young is a third-year MFA candidate in poetry. They write about emo music, queer embodiment, and good books. Their poetry, prose, and literary essays have appeared in Terrain.org, Thirteen Bridges Review, Thimble Literary Magazine, and elsewhere, and their first chamber opera, "Let's Blow Up a Gas Station!," premiered with Seattle Opera in 2024.
Editorial Assistant | Kacy Cheslek is a junior English major with an interest in publishing. She reads literary fiction, among other things, and writes silly little poems. When she’s not working at the movie theater, she likes to meander outdoors, bake desserts, and play Skyrim.
Faculty Advisor | Alexandra Teague is the author of three books of poetry: Or What We’ll Call Desire (Persea, 2019), The Wise and Foolish Builders (Persea, 2015), and Mortal Geography (Persea, 2010), winner of the 2009 Lexi Rudnitsky Prize and 2010 California Book Award. She is also the author of the novel The Principles Behind Flotation (Skyhorse, 2017) and co-editor of the anthology Bullets into Bells: Poets & Citizens Respond to Gun Violence (Beacon, 2017). The recipient of a 2019 Civitella Ranieri Foundation Fellowship, the 2014 Missouri Review Jeffrey E. Smith Editors' Prize, a 2011 National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, and a 2006-2008 Stegner Fellowship at Stanford, Alexandra is a Professor in the BA in English and MFA in Creative Writing programs, Co-Director of the MFA program, and Co-Director of Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies. Her work has been praised in such publications as Booklist, The Huffington Post, and The New York Times as “a strong feminist penman to watch,” “formally impressive,” and “passionate, quirky, and righteously outraged.” Her memoir in essays, Spinning Tea Cups: A Mythical American Memoir, is coming out from Oregon State University Press in October 2023.
Readers |
Fiction - Rachel Morgan, Rya Sheppard, Alexa Askey, Jason Cahoon, Trixie Zwolfer, Madison Aittma, Emma Neal, Gianna Starble, Dylan Reynolds, Emme Eubanks, Kaia Sherman, Megan Kingsley, Sherrie Eckles
Nonfiction - Ashley Weitzel, Katie Ludwig, Wilda Francois, Ella Jacoby
Poetry - Emme Eubanks, Raquel Gordon, Katie Ludwig, Alyssa Loftis, Kacy Youmans, Saugata Debnath
Reviews - Trixie Zwolfer, Gianna Starble
Art/Hybrid - Madison Aittma