Faroe Islands: Elemental
Philip Arnold
Artist Statement | “Faroe Islands: Elemental” allowed me the opportunity to have my photography and writing enter into a dialogue. As an analog photographer, I primarily use medium format film and a Holga, an inexpensive plastic camera with minimal controls for focus and exposure. This approach allows me to embrace a lo-fidelity aesthetic that employs traditional imperfections—such as soft focus, distortion and light leaks—to suggest landscapes of memory and daydream. For me, this optical environment amplified the islands’ surreal landscapes, ones in which uncanny topographies and atmospheres disrupt perceptual expectations. Each micro-essay is a reflection on an elemental aspect captured in the photograph—and a means to compound their visual and textual legibility.
Philip Arnold's photography has appeared in Apeiron Review, Compose, Cerise Press, Gravel Magazine and in the recent issue of Black & White Magazine as a winner in the 2018 Pinhole/Plastic Camera Contest. In 2018 his work was exhibited in the Silicon Valley Plastic Camera Show, 10th Annual Curious Camera Exhibit and the Somerville Toy Camera Fest. His essays and poems have appeared in Rattle, The Iowa Review, Midwest Quarterly, apt, Adventure Cyclist and Sequestrum.
The Farmer’s Market | Sean Cunningham
Winged, Two-Headed | Danilo John Thomas
Mood Chart | Emily McKay
Move On Over Or We’ll Move On Over You | Luke Muyskens
Caught | Scott Nadelson
Women’s Intuition | Liz Breazeale
Pearls | Nate Lippens
New Pedagogy for Sleeplessness | Helen Hofling
2 Poems | Jill McDonough
2 Poems | Candice Wuehle
A Small Opening | Caroline Crew
What We Know About Babies | Christopher Brunt
Wink | Dalton Day
Taman Ayun Temple, Bali | Khaleel Gheba
FOXFIRE | Sarah Bates
Anima Helena | Tessa Bryant
So Long | Heather Christle
In her (son’s) new house, Aunt Lina says | Philipe Abi Youness
On the Whole | Ashley Roach-Freiman
ABSTRACT | Constantine Jones
2 Poems | Ina Cariño
Lake Under the Sea | Celeste Schantz
Josepha | Lucie Bonvalet
Mastectomy: Instructions Before Surgery | Shannon Cram
Succession | Erin Ruble
What I Will Say About Rebecca | Carla Panciera
Co-upt Junkmail Collages | Matthew Klane
Cubist Self-Portrait As Very | Dennison Ty Schultz
Pro Wrestling Erasures | Dan Mancilla
Selfies | Natalie Byers
Faroe Islands: Elemental | Philip Arnold
Open for Breathing | Marissa Anne Ayala