from Co-upt (Junkmail Collages)
Matthew Klane
Artist Statement | As a poet, appropriation and collage has always been my primary mode. Distilling and transforming text. Layering and arranging text. My poetic interests have also leaned towards the visual arts: typography, page-space, dirty minimalism.
These junkmail collages were intended as a daily practice. Use only what falls through the mail slot. Be attentive to the rips and stains and bruises the paper incurred in its travels. Listen to the bright solicitous words and offer something in return. I’ve made 100 8x10 inch pieces: line and color studies, whimsical juxtapositions, visual puns, cut-up poems. This selection of four images represents a particular cross-section of the collection’s aesthetic and emotional range.
Matthew Klane is coeditor at Flim Forum Press. His books include Canyons (with James Belflower, Flim Forum, 2016), Che (Stockport Flats, 2013) and B (Stockport Flats, 2008). An e-chapbook, from Of the Day, is online at Delete Press, and an e-book, My, is online at Fence Digital. Other pieces from Co-upt are online or forthcoming from Diagram, Gasher, and Word for / Word. He currently lives and writes in Albany, NY, where he curates The REV Poetry Series and teaches at Russell Sage College. See: matthewklane.com.
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Co-upt Junkmail Collages | Matthew Klane
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