Open for Breathing
Marissa Anne Ayala
Artist Statement | My visual art and poetry captures how one's identity shifts within a city. I lived in NYC for eleven years and this collection captures my New York life — how the architecture, culture, colors, shapes constantly emerged from the sidewalks, tunnels, skylines, river beds to create a fixed calm in the ever shifting and evolving cityscape.
Marissa Anne Ayala is a writer and artist based in Austin, TX. Her work was featured in Tupelo Press, Handwritten, Entropy, STRATA, Glassworks Magazine, and Pen + Brush Literary Magazine. You can find her on Twitter @MarissaAAyala and on Instagram @marissaanneayala.
The Farmer’s Market | Sean Cunningham
Winged, Two-Headed | Danilo John Thomas
Mood Chart | Emily McKay
Move On Over Or We’ll Move On Over You | Luke Muyskens
Caught | Scott Nadelson
Women’s Intuition | Liz Breazeale
Pearls | Nate Lippens
New Pedagogy for Sleeplessness | Helen Hofling
2 Poems | Jill McDonough
2 Poems | Candice Wuehle
A Small Opening | Caroline Crew
What We Know About Babies | Christopher Brunt
Wink | Dalton Day
Taman Ayun Temple, Bali | Khaleel Gheba
FOXFIRE | Sarah Bates
Anima Helena | Tessa Bryant
So Long | Heather Christle
In her (son’s) new house, Aunt Lina says | Philipe Abi Youness
On the Whole | Ashley Roach-Freiman
ABSTRACT | Constantine Jones
2 Poems | Ina Cariño
Lake Under the Sea | Celeste Schantz
Josepha | Lucie Bonvalet
Mastectomy: Instructions Before Surgery | Shannon Cram
Succession | Erin Ruble
What I Will Say About Rebecca | Carla Panciera
Co-upt Junkmail Collages | Matthew Klane
Cubist Self-Portrait As Very | Dennison Ty Schultz
Pro Wrestling Erasures | Dan Mancilla
Selfies | Natalie Byers
Faroe Islands: Elemental | Philip Arnold
Open for Breathing | Marissa Anne Ayala