Lauren Mallett
Click los vocales and watch the tongue vibrate
against the back erray of the teeth.
The throat hollow into jota.
The glide from one vocal a la próxima.
This is how you make pues use it to begin.
What was it we had been saying in its place?
Okey; que; como. Y su perrito,
the one you died trying to save from the broken
through iced river over winter break? ¿Se llama Dante,
no? Symbol click More Symbols inverted question
mark. Insert Insert then Cancel not Insert again.
Your memorial all lit up by the sideways light
of the best hour. Wait wait the longhand shortcut
Control Quotation vowel acento. Pues y después
yo comenzo. Cuando era niña le pregunté
a mi mamá si tendría el amor suficiente
para todos sus hijos. All I wanted then was the right
word. Tilde umlaut subjuntivo give time
to the acento. Jaramillo, you took my
tattered dictionary in your hands y dijó Esto, esto
es una obra de cariño, la frase glinting off the width
of the top of your mouth.
Now? The approximants; the glides.
in memory of J. Eduardo Jaramillo-Zuluaga
Lauren Mallett's poems appear in RHINO, Smartish Pace, Sou'wester, Passages North. and other journals. She lives and teaches in Indiana. Read more at www.laurenmallett.com.
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The Sibyl Speaks to Helen | Anna Sandy-Elrod
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Pues | Lauren Mallett
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