Some Other Solid Thing
Jory Mickelson
Some Other Solid Thing
His sum is a balance I cannot hold its boundaries have not been
set, the stream tells me how easily you break can be reshaped
My father was a dented helmet a rifle pointed skyward brutal yes
I admit it. The cat slinks into the next room ears back even the jay
in the neighbor’s yard flies from the bombardment My father’s dusty face
the moon. When I start placing my hand within the frame, not one thing
changes. So much goes into defending the roundness, the trackless
loop of our rhetoric. He did the best he could as we all do
but we know words are empty luminosity The heart suffers like a coin
The moon was foil & crooked anyhow Until I took the early shift at work
I forgot what the moon could do with dark learned the motor’s hollow
what the tire spends creeping the gravel drive, backing away
from the house as easily as pulling off my shirt spreading the pale
show of my chest There is no ground no home, but the sound
of his fists, a firmament built on percussion
I look at the light on water, a moving gleam a narrow stretch
of shine some other solid thing to lay myself upon.
Jory Mickelson is a queer, nonbinary writer whose first book, Wilderness//Kingdom, was the inaugural winner of the Evergreen Award Tour from Floating Bridge Press. They are also the winner of the 2020 High Plains Book Award. Their work has been published in Court Green, Painted Bride Quarterly, jubilat, Sixth Finch, Diode Poetry Journal, The Rumpus, Ninth Letter, Vinyl Poetry, and other journals. They are the recipient of an Academy of American Poets Prize and were awarded fellowships from the Lambda Literary Foundation and The Helene Wurlitzer Foundation of New Mexico. Jory can be followed at jorymickelson.com.
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[Scribed, we mull ghosts—] | Devon Wootten
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On Being Taught the Phrase “Fuck You” by the White Boys | Eric Wang
Some Other Solid Thing | Jory Mickelson
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Performance | Charlotte Hughes